It doesn’t have to be complicated 
— are you ready to grow?


Hair Color


Despite offering a quality product, Adore encountered significant obstacles when selling on Amazon. Transitioning from traditional distribution to effective online sales requires distinct strategies and expertise, which Adore initially lacked. These hurdles underscored the need for a partner to help adapt its approach to online sales to better align with the demands and dynamics of e-commerce.

Duplicate listings and scattered family variations fragmented customer traffic leading to a disoriented catalogue and hindrance in Amazon ranking
Unauthorized sellers drove price erosions, undermining Adore's brand positioning and profitability
Listings lacked optimization and contained inferior creative content, failing to drive click-through and conversion rates effectively


Merged duplicate listings and integrated all 64 colors into a comprehensive family variation to centralize all customer reviews and traffic.
Removed unauthorized sellers and enforced MAP across all listings, stabilizing prices and preserving Adore's brand value.
Developed high-quality creative content that authentically showcased the Adore brand.
Leveraged data analytics to implement SEO strategies to increase visibility among target audiences.
Established efficient fulfillment strategies to ensure swift delivery and eliminate backorders.

It’s in the numbers

Revenue Growth In Just 2 Years
Increase in Conversion Rate
Increase In Click-Through Rate
Increase In Total Customers
MAP Enforcement
Increase In Product Reviews

Other Success Stories

It doesn’t have to be complicated 
— are you ready to grow?

Let’s do this together

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